Placing ads on particular places on your website can influence your revenue from Google Adsense( can effect positively to CPM-cost per thousand impressions). So it is important to mention some tips for "better monetizing" your ads due to perfect placing.
According to Google the best places to put ads on your websites depend on website content and page format. Depending on your site content you can place ads, for example: at the bottom of your content as usually, visitors interested in detailed articles tent to say: "what's next" when finish reading. Page format is important because you should try to match your sites size with ad formats, so your website looks clean, organic and not messy. This invites the visitor to stay and probably click ads.
The best "ad formats" that are more visible and tent to make a diversion are wide ad formats. These kind of ads are easily readable and can easily be seen. Such ad formats are:
1.336x280 large rectangle Image here
2.300x250 inline rectangle Image here
3.160x600 wide skyscraper Image here

There is another thing Google emphasizes to do. It is using the color palettes in that way that will influence visitor clicks. How can we do that?
Generally, you must try to use a palette with blue links or titles, no border or white border and white background. This can be done when your website has a light color background.
Otherwise, if your background is dark use contrast colors for your palettes. You can also try to change the position of your ads for common visitors and try to make a rotation of palettes( at Google Adsense Setup, you can predefine 4 colors and make them rotate every time one user refreshes the page).
To have a visual concept about optimizing ad placement in your website, Google created a heat map, where the darkest orange is the best place to put an ad(above the content).
You must be aware that all said above are statistical. The best way to arrange ads over your site, in order to get more clicks is to base through your own experience and to take in consideration the style and structure your website has. So always use channels to track ad performance as Google enabled this feature for free.Google allowed use of 3 ad units, 3 link units and 3 referral products at the same page. So start by placing as many units as possible, and experience which of them is the most successful.